

Mariya’s Dreams

Sa, 25.11.2023 – Do, 30.11.2023
The exhibition features Ukraine’s contemporary artists headlined by the most prominent painter of the second half of the 20th century Mariya Prymachenko. Sofia Art has carefully selected and secured from various private collections her later period masterpieces to make this exhibition happen.
Mariya’s Dreams charitable exhibition dedicated to the Ukrainian genius of modern visual art Mariya Prymachenko will take place from November 25 until November 30, 2023 at Vienna’s Volkskundemuseum (address: Laudongasse, 15-19, 1080). 

Artists: Mariya Oksentiyivna Prymachenko, Mariya, Iryna Maksymova, Dzvinya Mariya Podlyashevska
More information

Wir verurteilen den Angriffskrieg auf die Ukraine und zeigen uns solidarisch. Darum bietet das Volkskundemuseum Wien ukrainischen Künstler*innen und Kulturinitiativen eine Plattform und gibt Ausstellungen, Treffen und Austausch Raum.

Volkskundemuseum Wien
Otto Wagner Areal, Pavillon 1
Baumgartner Höhe 1, 1140 Wien

Laudongasse 15-19, 1080 Wien

T: +43 1 406 89 05
F: +43 1 406 89 05.88
E: office@volkskundemuseum.at

Hildebrandt Café

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