Queer Museum Vienna @ VKM


Balkan Queers

So, 11.06.2023, 16:00
Join us at this picnic gone workshop where we will explore different aspects of queer Balkan-ness and play with language!
In Austria and Vienna, the Balkan element is everywhere, yet, we don't see terms within the queer and gay communities to reflect that. There is often the need to express feelings, needs, subjectivities, qualities, traits and represent communities and groups in a positive, playful, and humourous light that English and mainstream queer culture might not be able to encapsulate. We want to propose that if we bring all our languages together we might be able to creatively overcome those limitations.
The workshop is led by educator and activist m Horvat, and artist and educator Anna T. m speaks German, English, and BCS, and Anna speaks a bit of German, English, and Greek. The main language will be English but all languages, words, and exchanges are welcome.
We look forward to meeting all you beautiful queers from the Balkans - all ages and genders are welcome!
Please register at nibiq@gmx.net until June 10th to reserve your spot.
More Information

- The space is wheelchair accessible (left door), there is a wheelchair toilet
- The event is (mostly) in English
- We invite you to come antigen-tested
- The foods are for varied dietary preferences
- We will have an umbrella and sunscreen as well as mosquito repellent
- Picnic blankets and chairs will be available
- All materials will be provided
- The event is free (if you want and can you can support the queer museum with a donation)

Im Rahmen der Ausstellung History Hustory / Museum of Self-Care
Weitere Informationen zum QMV @ VKM

Zum Queer Museum Vienna
Volkskundemuseum Wien
Otto Wagner Areal, Pavillon 1
Baumgartner Höhe 1, 1140 Wien

Laudongasse 15-19, 1080 Wien

T: +43 1 406 89 05
F: +43 1 406 89 05.88
E: office@volkskundemuseum.at

Hildebrandt Café

Nutzung derzeit nicht möglich

Di, ab 17 Uhr
Zum letzten Mal: 29.10.