Volkskundemuseum Wien
Laudongasse 15–19, 1080 Wien
T: +43 1 406 89 05
F: +43 1 406 89 05.88
E: office@volkskundemuseum.at
Hildebrandt Café
T: +43 1 406 89 05.10
E: hi@hildebrandt.cafe
Online Tischreservierung
Di bis So, 10 bis 17 Uhr
Betrieb bis 29.9.2024
Führungen und Programm: Termine
Besuch nach Voranmeldung
Nutzung bis 30.8.2024
SchönDing Shop | Café:
Di bis So, 10 bis 17 Uhr
Betrieb bis 29.9.2024
Hildebrandt Café:
Di bis So, 10 bis 18 Uhr
Betrieb bis 29.9.2024
Di, ab 17 Uhr
Sommerpause: nächster Termin: 24.9.
Eintritt frei
im ganzen Museum
ZOZAN combines three thematic areas, namely past and present mobility/ies of Kurds, art production and representation in transnational spaces. Artistic interventions include workshops with a selected audience.
“Identity is not given, but rather performed … identity is a phenomenal matter … multiple within itself … marked by diffraction/différence/differing/deferring/differentiating … an infinite flow of matters.
But how can we grasp this fluidity, the processual, the constant negotiation?”
The artist proposes to think about certain relationalities, disparities and entanglements in and through our body via our senses. Drawing herein is a method to grasp dynamics of difference, alterity, belonging and becoming. Drawings, photos, texts, oral history, video and audio recordings, etc. can contribute to a Re-Animating process, which draws attention to social and political consequences at a particular time. Re-Animation is a journey between the past and the present, which allows to trace relationalities and temporalities.
All necessary materials are provided for this purpose. The results will be presented in the form of a brochure and an exhibition.
Friday, 18.11.2022, 4 p.m.
Saturday, 19.11.2022, 9 a.m. (excursion)
Sunday, 20.11.2022, 10 a.m.
Presentation: 15.12.2022, 6.30 p.m.
Workshop 3 with Rojda Tuğrul (in English)
Duration: 2,5 days
Participation free of charge
Information and registration: eva.kolm@oeaw.ac.at