Volkskundemuseum Wien
Otto Wagner Areal, Pavillon 1
Baumgartner Höhe 1, 1140 Wien
Laudongasse 15-19, 1080 Wien
T: +43 1 406 89 05
F: +43 1 406 89 05.88
E: office@volkskundemuseum.at
Hildebrandt Café
Nutzung derzeit nicht möglich
Der Workshop basiert auf den Erfahrungen des Projektes Naming IT war und Testimony – Truth or Politics, in denen über 200 Interviews mit Kriegsbeteiligten und Antikriegsaktivisten durchgeführt worden sind.
Eine Veranstaltung im Rahmen der Ausstellung Testimony - Truth or Politics
(Workshop in englischer Sprache)
Borrowing from Paul Celan's famous poem Ashglory -"No one/ bears witness for the/ witness." on the one hand and from the prevalent use of testimony in many disciplines on the other, this workshop questions the way testimonies are collected by having participants create questionnaires regarding historical events that interest them addressing the participants of these events.
The workshop is built on the experience gained in the projects Naming IT war and Testimony - Truth or politics: the concept of testimony in the commemoration of the Yugoslav wars in which over 200 interviews were conducted with war participants and anti war activists.
(workshop in English)
Kontakt und Anmeldung / registration:
Herbert Justnik
Eine Veranstaltung im Rahmen der Ausstellung Testimony - Truth or Politics
(Workshop in englischer Sprache)
Borrowing from Paul Celan's famous poem Ashglory -"No one/ bears witness for the/ witness." on the one hand and from the prevalent use of testimony in many disciplines on the other, this workshop questions the way testimonies are collected by having participants create questionnaires regarding historical events that interest them addressing the participants of these events.
The workshop is built on the experience gained in the projects Naming IT war and Testimony - Truth or politics: the concept of testimony in the commemoration of the Yugoslav wars in which over 200 interviews were conducted with war participants and anti war activists.
(workshop in English)
Kontakt und Anmeldung / registration:
Herbert Justnik