In Englisch


Objective Archive? Archive vs. Keywords

Fr, 13.04.2018, 17:00 – 20:00
Der Workshop gibt Einblicke in Originalmaterialien des im Rahmen von Testimony – Truth or Politics entstandenen Archivs von Interviews mit serbischen Kriegsveteranen und Antikriegsaktivisten und setzt sich mit den Herausforderungen des Aufbaus eines solchen Archivs auseinander.
Die unterschiedlichen individuellen und kollektiven Erfahrungen von Krieg stellen den Ausgangspunkt des Workshops dar. Die Workshop-TeilnehmerInnen hören und lesen gemeinsam Zeitzeugnisse und diskutieren das Verhältnis von persönlichen und objektiven Vorstellungen, die sich im Archiv widerspiegeln.

Anmeldung erforderlich
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Eine Veranstaltung im Rahmen der Ausstellung Testimony - Truth or Politics

Call for participation in the workshop:

Objective Archive? Archive vs. Keywords
Workshop, Volkskundemuseum, Vienna
13.04. 2018., 17-20h
In English language
The issue of the individual testimonies by war veterans and anti-war activists is very complex, mainly the relevance of these testimonies reaching outside the scope of a single country and a single war, and the urgency to deal with it in an international context. What we face in the material of the archive produced by the project 'Testimony – Truth or Politics' are fragments of individual experiences, in the form of many hours of audio recordings. The main question here is: how can they be classified, analyzed and interpreted? It is the division of experience contained in the legacy of war, which is both individual and collective, that will be the basis of the workshop.

In the workshop, Katarina Šević (artist) will give insight into the original material, and trace the problematic of ordering such an archive. Through collective listening and reading of the testimonies, participants of the workshop will assume the role of a Documentalist and discuss together the relation of personal and objective (intimate and political) set of notions that can represent the archive.

Katarina Šević (born in Novi Sad, lives in Berlin) is an artist. Her projects are realized through groups of objects, accompanied by performative situations and events, combined usually with text. She is the recipient of the Residence Scholarship of the Leuphana Arts Program for 2017/18.
Volkskundemuseum Wien
Otto Wagner Areal, Pavillon 1
Baumgartner Höhe 1, 1140 Wien

Laudongasse 15-19, 1080 Wien

T: +43 1 406 89 05
F: +43 1 406 89 05.88

Hildebrandt Café

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